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How to fill in your Performance Spreadsheet
Mie Sørensen avatar
Written by Mie Sørensen
Updated over a week ago

Your downloaded spreadsheet may differ in looks and reporting, please see the guide as guidance for filling out your spreadsheet.

  • Always download the recent version from your sample file

Fill Your Performance Spreadsheet Guide

1. The red cells are mandatory input fields, and please do not edit the grey areas.

2. For the reporting period, choose the starting year in column B.

3. You simply click the column to pick a reporting year.

4. The starting and ending months are picked in the same manner in column F.

5. For yearly data, enter the yearly value in column P.

6. For monthly data, enter the monthly values in the columns starting in column R. The applicable months will be highlighted with gridlines.

7. Please do not forget to add the unit in column Q.

8. Once again you will be shown a drop-down with unit options.

9. Some data points can be reported in weight OR volume.
You only need to provide data for one of the options. You can filter column O if you only want one option (volume or mass) to be shown.

10. You can filter column O if you only want one option (volume or mass) to be shown and click ok.

11. You can unprotect the sheet by clicking the "Review" tab followed by "Unprotect Sheet". This allows you to paste data into the sheet.

12. But be careful NOT to change any of grey fields, or change orders of rows.

13. The INPUT sheet has basic data validation to help validate your input.
After unprotecting your sheet, you can find the option by clicking the "Data" tab followed by "Data Validation".

14. You should then click on "Circle Invalid Data".

15. This will mark all the invalid cells with a red circle so that you can easily spot any issues before uploading your file.

16. Click on the red circle tab to edit the issue.

If you are unsure about how to fill in your spreadsheet, please contact support via the chat in the right-hand corner 🤝. We are here to help 💜.

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