How to conduct a data mapping

You now have all your data points, now let's make like a cartographer and map 🗺️

Jake Fletcher avatar
Written by Jake Fletcher
Updated over a week ago

Once your file is ready to be uploaded, you can submit this in the “Upload File” section of the "Data Mapping" tab.

Creating your internal ID

If this is your first time doing a data mapping exercise, you will be asked to create your own internal ID for the group of hotels you are mapping against. You can give this any name you like as long as this is relevant to you. It could be something like "[YOUR COMPANY NAME'S] Recognised Hotels".

Choosing your parameters

Once you have created your own internal ID, you will then be able to upload your file. Before you upload this, you can choose whether you want to include results with an expired certification, or without an expiration date. You may wish to do this if you have a property that needs reminding to be re-certified.

While you can choose to show low confidence matches, we don't recommend this as it will involve more manual reviewing.

You can also select which certifications you would like to map against, whether you are only looking for GSTC or Travalyst recognised certifications. If you want to map against all certified properties, you can leave this field blank:

After you have selected your parameters, you can then drop your CSV file ready to be uploaded:

If the formatting is correct, you will be notified that your mapping request has been successful:

Once you've submitted your data

The mapping will take a few moments to complete, and the status of the mapping will show as "In progress" while it is being processed. After this, the mapping will go to either a "Success" or "Failed" status:

If you are unsure about anything in the above article, please contact support via the chat in the right-hand corner 🤝 We are here to help 💚

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