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How to approve/reject mapping suggestions
Jake Fletcher avatar
Written by Jake Fletcher
Updated this week

Video Guide

Once you have uploaded your file, you will be able to see the mapping progress of the file you've just uploaded. Once the data mapping exercise is complete, you can download a file of the properties you've just mapped along with the mapping confidence:

Whenever you upload a file, it will be compared against the list of known properties with certification data in the BeCause database. If a property is found in the BeCause database, it will be shown as a match in the resulting file and information about the found property and its certifications will be provided.

Along with the found property, a “matching confidence” will also be shown. The matching confidence indicates how sure we are in the map being correct. The matching confidence can take the following values:

  • Exceptional - The highest level of matching confidence, usually >99.5% accurate

  • Very High - Higher than >96% accuracy

  • High - Higher chance of a correct match than incorrect

  • Medium - Higher chance of an incorrect match than correct

  • Low - Lowest confidence level, automatically hidden

If you would like to export a report to show which properties on your spreadsheet were matched and the confidence levels they were attributed, you can click the "Download" button once the mapping has been completed. Note that this won't show you all the properties you have approved or rejected, only those we believe to be a potential match.

Approving/Rejecting Matches

To see all the properties we have mapped against, you can go to the "Pending Mappings" section. You are able to use filters to go through each matching confidence level. You are able to select all properties with a particular matching confidence level and approve them all if you so wish:

You are able to see a complete overview of the properties you have mapped against under the "Resolved Mappings" section.

When you have finished approving and rejecting the suggestions, a green tick or a red cross will appear next to the properties showing whether they have been approved or rejected. Two ticks means that they have been auto-approved:

In the "Resolved Mappings" section, you can also export a report containing information on all the matches you have approved. To do this, simply click the "Export Approved" button in the top-right corner.

Is there a way to auto-approve the highest confidence matches?

Yes. In the "Auto-approve Settings" section you can select whether all "Exceptional" or "Very High" confidence level matches should be automatically approved:

Remember that these two ratings carry a confidence level of over 96%, so while we're fairly certain any results with these confidence levels are a match, it's still not 100%!

The mapping exercise hasn't picked up a hotel that I know is certified. Can I manually approve this?

Yes. If you included a property in your file that you know has certification, but the mapping exercise has not matched this to a hotel in our database, you can search for this under the "Manual Mapping" section.

When you find the hotel, it will provide information about the certification it has received. If this is the property that you wish to map against, you can save your internal ID in to manually approve this, and the result will be moved to your "Resolved Mappings" section.

If you click "Save" while the internal ID field is empty, this will also move the result to your "Resolved Mappings" section, but as a rejected result.

I made a mistake and accidentally approved something I should have rejected

If you have mistakenly approved a mapping suggestion that you meant to reject, you can amend this. If you go to the "Resolved Mappings" section, you can search for the name of the property you previously approved. Select this and click "reject".

The same applies if you have accidentally rejected something you should have approved. You can search for the name of the property you previously rejected, select this and click "approve".

Can I see a report of all the properties I've mapped against all the certifications in your database?

Yes - if you go to the "Export Certified Establishments" section in the Certification Area, you are able to see the number of properties we have in our database for each certification. All certifications will be shown here, but at the top you can choose whether you want to view GSTC or Travalyst accredited certifications:

You can also filter by individual certifications, just select that certification and click "Export Certified Companies" to receive a report on which hotels carry that particular certification:

Any reports you download will be accessible in the "Exported Files" section, so you can compare any mappings you do with any previously downloaded reports.

If you are unsure about anything in the above article, please contact support via the chat in the right-hand corner 🤝 We are here to assist you 💚

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