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How to answer questions in your Application❓

Learn how to fill out framework questions in your applications from a certifying body.

Mie Sørensen avatar
Written by Mie Sørensen
Updated over a week ago

When you have accepted your invitation from a certifying body, you can begin to fill out the questions in your Application.

If you have not accepted a pending Application Invitation please read this guide.

Guide Agenda:

Answering the Application Questions

1. Find your "Applications overview" and click on the Application you need to answer.

2. Open up the drop-down menus and answer your questions.

3. Remember to fill in your "Profile data" to answer in all the required fields and click "Save".

4. Answer all your questions and remember to "Save changes".

5. You can click "Filter questions" and select "Unanswered questions" to check if you have any unanswered.

6. If you have not answered the questions with the percentage shown as required, you are not able to submit. Please make sure to go and recheck your answers, and align them right so that you can submit them in the end ✅.

7. Your answers submitted are now "in review" and have changed status.

How to select "Not Applicable" to a question

1. If you do not find the question applicable you can click "Skip this question."
Located in the top right corner of each question.

2. You will need to explain why the question does not apply to your company.
Remember to save your comment.

How to upload proofs as documentation

1. Click on the question set you will need to upload files with.

2. Select "Upload supporting proof or sources for this answer" in the top right corner of the question.

3. Click "Upload proof".

4. Drop the file and comment "E.g. See page 19 of uploaded PDF" field.

5. Click "Create".

6. Your proof is now added to the questions and you can close the pop-up.

7. Remember to "Save your changes", also when you have uploaded a proof.

How to import previous application answers

  • The "Import Previous Answers" button is a possibility to import your answers from your latest answered application to auto-fill answers into your current application.

  • This is only possible as long as you have an approved Application in the system from last year.

For any further help, please always reach out to our support via the chat function or check out our Help Center 💜.

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