During a data mapping exercise, the BeCause platform will scan your CSV file and compare the data points in here with all the certified properties in our database. If we find a property that we believes matches the data in your CSV file, it will be shown as a match in your Pending Mappings section.
Along with the found property, a “matching confidence” will also be shown. The matching confidence indicates how sure we are in the map being correct. The matching confidence can take the following values:
Exceptional - The highest level of matching confidence, usually >99.5% accurate
Very High - Higher than >96% accuracy
High - Higher chance of a correct match than incorrect
Medium - Higher chance of an incorrect match than correct
Low - Lowest confidence level, automatically hidden
You can find a glossary with more details about the confidence levels in the Upload your companies section of your profile under "Mapping result explanation".
If you would like to export a report to show which properties on your spreadsheet were matched and the confidence levels they were attributed, you can click the "Download" button once the mapping has been completed. Note that this won't show you all the properties you have approved or rejected, only those we believe to be a potential match.