GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016
Contains disclosures for organizations to report information about their social impacts in their supply chain, and how they manage these impacts. The disclosures enable an organization to provide information on its approach to preventing and mitigating negative social impacts in its supply chain.
The Standard is structured as follows:
Section 1 contains a requirement, which provides information about how the organization manages its social impacts in its supply chain.
Section 2 contains two disclosures, which provide information about the organization’s supplier assessment and social impacts on its supply chain.
The Glossary contains defined terms with a specific meaning when used in the GRI Standards. The terms are underlined in the text of the GRI Standards and linked to the definitions.
The Bibliography lists authoritative intergovernmental instruments and additional references used in developing this Standard.
The rest of the Introduction section provides a background on the topic, an overview of the system of GRI Standards, and further information on using this Standard.
Background on the topic
This Standard addresses the topic of supplier social assessment.
An organization may be involved with negative social impacts either through its own activities or as a result of its business relationships with other parties. Due diligence is expected of an organization in order to prevent, mitigate, and address actual and potential negative social impacts in the supply chain. These include negative impacts the organization either causes or contributes to, or that are directly linked to its operations, products, or services by its relationship with a supplier. These concepts are covered in key instruments of the United Nations: see the Bibliography.
Suppliers can be assessed for a range of social criteria, including human rights (such as child labor and forced or compulsory labor); employment practices; health and safety practices; industrial relations; incidents (such as abuse, coercion, or harassment); wages and compensation; and working hours. Some of these criteria are covered in other GRI Topic Standards (e.g., GRI 401: Employment 2016, GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018, GRI 408: Child Labor 2016, GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016).
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