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How to manage multiple companies with 1 user

Your user is connected to multiple company profiles on BeCause

Mie Sørensen avatar
Written by Mie Sørensen
Updated over 4 months ago

Your user account is connected to multiple company profiles

You are managing multiple companies and need to navigate and administrate the different profiles on BeCause.

On BeCause you can be connected to all the companies you have in your portfolio.

You need to change between your companies to change and edit the information on each profile.

Follow the step-by-step guide to switch between the companies you are connected with.

How to navigate between multiple companies you are admin on

1. Click your image in the top right corner.

2. Click "See all your companies".

3. Click "Set active" on the company that you need to edit from the companies you are admin on.
- If you only manage 1 company, you can only see one possibility here.

4. You can see which of your companies is "Currently active" and you can edit.

For any further help, please reach out to support via the chat function or check out our Help Center 💜.

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